

The Dynasonics DXN Portable Hybrid Ultrasonic Flow Meter is a true hybrid instrument, capable of measuring liquid flow with multiple technologies to provide accurate readings.

  • Application Flexibility. Equipped to read Doppler, transit time and liquid thermal (heat energy) flow and will automatically choose the type of flow measurement based on the signal quality during operation.
  • Streamlined Installation. Can be installed and set up by a single individual by clamping the meter onto the pipe—does not require operations to be drained or shut down.
  • Advanced Features. Equipped with a touchscreen interface, full-colour graphing, wizard-based start-up configuration, USB connectivity and Modbus TCP/IP connectivity.

Key Facts

  • Easy clamp-on installation with non-invasive ultrasonic sensors
  • Compatible with multiple pipe thicknesses
  • Touchscreen interface
  • Full-colour graphing
  • Easy setup wizard
  • Modbus TCP/IP connectivity
  • Multiple simultaneous parameter recording

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