
Wellington Water Smart Network Monitoring

MetriNet from ATI leads the way in continuous, smart water quality monitoring. Its ultra-low powered, smart digital sensor technology offers a sustainable solution, delivering proactive management to safeguard water quality.

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Wellington Water is one of the largest water infrastructure service providers in New Zealand.  Established in 2014, they are co-owned by 6 councils and have approximately 200 full time employees.  Their role is to manage the drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater services of their constituent councils.


Wellington Water approached Applied Instruments in 2021 for a smart water monitoring solution, covering multiple parameters within their water network.  With increasing scrutiny from both consumers and government, there was a requirement to ensure compliance with national standards throughout the entire water network.

The solution needed to be reliable, easy to maintain and cost-effective.  The customer requirements were to simultaneously monitor pH, free chlorine, fluoride and turbidity.



MetriNet by ATI is a multi-parameter monitoring system ideally suited to drinking water networks.  It has the ability to monitor up to 8 variables simultaneously, has a wide install base and is a reliable and easy to maintain system.  It was identified as the best candidate in a rigorous procurement process.

Sixteen sites were identified as good candidates for MetriNet installation. Applied Instruments were on site to assist in commissioning, training, and trialling the panels.

Commissioning and calibration was completed smoothly, with no issues encountered. Once the tags for the 4 different sensors had been configured by Wellington Water engineers, operators were able to easily track water quality in real-time, giving them the ability to quickly identify and manage any issues – a great step forward in their journey towards smart water!

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