

TÜV approved DynamicOpacity™ particulate monitor for emission measurement of dust from large dry industrial processes including Baghouses and Electrostatic Precipitators

The STACK 602 is a Modbus-based cross-stack optical measuring system which uses a dynamic sensing technique to measure the rate of change of light (DynamicOpacity™ Ratiometric Opacity technology) as particulates pass through a modulated light beam. This proven optical technique, coupled with advanced design features, offers significant reliability and resolution advantages over traditional Opacity monitors, and virtually overcomes lens fouling associated with standard Opacity monitors.


  • Stacks after bag filters, cartridge filters, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, no filtration
  • Non-condensing / dry flue gases
  • Incineration
  • Metals (e.g. steel/aluminium)
  • Minerals (e.g. cement/gypsum)
  • Chemicals (e.g. refinery/rubber)
  • Power generation plant (e.g. coal/biomass)

Key Facts

  • Simple installation, set-up, and maintenance
  • Resistant to contamination, operational with optics 90% contaminated
  • Lower levels of maintenance than traditional opacity systems
  • Can be purged with instrument air providing lower cost of ownership; blowers available if preferred
  • Used for compliance measurement (mg/m³) after electrostatic precipitators and baghouses
  • Advanced sensor design includes automatic drift (zero and span) checks mg/m³ output, once calibrated

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